PANA - Cycle primaire
PANA - Cycle primaire is an interactive tool designed for French-speaking newcomers in Ontario and was created in partnership with the Programme d'appui aux nouveaux arrivants and the CFORP. It helps students from grades 1 to 3 become familiar with various features of Canadian society: its currency, seasons, environment, safety and well-being regulations, as well as aspects of the community.
Students are invited to travel to the heart of the Canadian forest where they will meet five endearing animals (Nanette the skunk, Victor the beaver, Fanoir the black bear, Kikou the caribou, and Paco the porcupine). These animals will serve as guides as students explore and discover the 13 educational fun games available on the site.
This resource is accessible via the Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB), the Banque de ressources éducatives du Canada (BREC), the Communauté d'apprentissage de l'Ontario (CaO), and on the Virtual Learning Environments (VLE-D2L) of each of Ontario’s 12 French-language school boards.